‘Butt Boy’: A Film About Butt’s has no Business Being This Good

Epic Pictures

Appearing as nothing short of ridiculous, Butt Boy has as certain charm to its absurdity. It deliberately dances in between the utterly revolting and the horrifically compelling.

Directed by Tyler Cornack, Butt Boy is a clear labour of love, a passionate horror film dedicated to making you squirm.

As the title suggests, Butt Boy centres on a man who becomes rather obsessed with shoving everything and anything up his rectum. Chip (played by Cornack), a generic, moderately depressed guy in his thirties, is the anti-hero of this vulgar tale.

Epic Pictures

Trapped in a deeply unsatisfying and loveless marriage, with a new-born and an insignificant tech job, Chip spends time wallowing, void of feeling and emotionally disconnected from his life. That is, until one day! Chip makes a discovery during his first prostate exam, a discovery bursting with pleasure, he seeks to experiment later with his wife.

Upon the obvious rejection from his spouse, Chip pursues other ways to satisfy his desires. It just so happens these desires rapidly lead to trouble, graduating from a bar of soap, to the remote control, to the pet dog… Once things (and people) start to disappear, this is where the film really picks up its pace, as a local detective becomes involved with Chip and Butt Boy unfolds into something utterly unpredictable.

Cornack’s crazy cat and mouse thriller adopts a colour palette reminiscent of It Follows, with cool pink and blue tones sprinkled neatly throughout. Sharp yellows and mystic greens also feature, giving the whole film a deep and serious overtone reminiscent of early David Fincher, solidifying that real grungy, cop drama vibe. Combine this with a story that keeps you guessing, Butt Boy has something to give, and goes all out to make you take it.

Epic Pictures

There is no doubt at least several ways in which a film like Butt Boy (if one even exists?) can be interpreted, but a film with such a devastatingly vile yet tasteful execution begs to be deconstructed. Without giving too much away, the film seeps of repressed homosexuality, as the plot basically stalks Chip through his rectal kink and the hollow relationship with his wife. He clearly shines as a man consumed by shame and clinging to the false safety net of his heterosexual life, hence the arse-fuelled rampage that unfolds. Not to mention, the entire dialogue is bursting with butt-puns and almost flirty, queer interaction.

Overall, a surreal (literal) shit filled psychological trip, Butt Boy isn’t one for those with a weak stomach. An unreal experience, this potential cult classic gives people the opportunity to see something they’ve never seen before, wrapped up tightly in an almost poetic yet gruesome package.

Butt Boy is available on VOD from April 14th

by Kelsie Dickinson

Kelsie Dickinson is a super-gay wannabe film-maker. She loves independent cinema, especially horrors and films with nice lighting. Her favourite films are Lost in Translation, the original Evil Dead and It Follows. You can follow her on twitter @punkrocket_ and under the same user on instagram.